Friday, October 3, 2014

Leaving soon!

So this week was not too bad, however the MTC is still by far not one of my favorite places in the world. The language is getting pretty easy now. Marshallese is a simple language and spelling does not matter so learning words can be confusing because they are spelled in completely different ways. I found out that I will be leaving the MTC this Tuesday and will be having a 17 hour layover in Hawaii. We are not sure what exactly will happen but we either get to proselyte there or go to some ward activity. I am getting anxious to leave this place and get out into the field so I can work with real people. Last Saturday my friend Elder Buhler and I went outside of the MTC to get some alterations done we walked down to the corner of University Parkway to BYU laundry. Both being BYU students it was quite strange to have BYU right across the street from us, "the outside world". On our way back we see this really attractive girl running on the other side of the road. So we had this of situation a hot girl in running clothes and Elder Buhler and I now socially awkward missionaries. I turn to him "look away, look straight ahead, don't look." He just replies "no look left! look in the opposite direction." The whole rest of the way back we keep checking to make sure the other had not looked. We must have looked pretty strange to the rest of the world, missionaries can be very weird. I played four square for the first time in the gym yesterday. Both Elders and Sisters getting really intense about it. They just take it way to far and it gets really intense I definitely prefer just playing frisbee in front of the temple. The Elder in my district saving his first kiss now claims to be from Alaska, despite the fact that he moved when he was three and has lived in Utah for the last ten years. Early this week, I do not know how it happened but I ended up "racing" a Micronesian Sister going to Fiji, Sister Niumea who is about 4'9." When I say "racing" she is running as fast as she possibly can, just imagine this little tiny islander running through the halls of the MTC. I am pretty sure she thinks I am serious, I pretend to being trying really hard but actually in a slow jog, I usually let her win. Sometimes I will "trip" at the last minute and she will win by barely. She also enjoys taking selfies quite a bit. All of the Micronesian and Islander Sisters I have met are pretty fun and hilarious. Sister Nena going to Kiribati decided to just cut her her hair and make her bangs. So I just go up to her and tell her "I like your bangs" she thinks it is pretty funny. The Islanders are just really fun, especially the ones from Micronesia they are pretty much oblivious to the outside world and just do whatever they want. Tuesday night we had Brother and Sister Schwitzer, from the Seventy, speak about their mission in Siberia. Although our missions are completely opposite Sister Schwitzer talked about how she was struggling with missing her family and friends and life back home. She decided that the only way she could get through her mission is just "let go, let God" she ended having a wonderful experience. I know my mission is hard and sometimes I really do miss home but I know that I can do this. That this is the only thing in my life right now that should be doing. Thanks for all the support you have given me in serving a mission. The next time you hear from me I will be in the Marshall Islands, never not on a beach for two years.

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